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World-Renowned Oriental Rug Specialists

Exceptional Quality, Care, and Knowledge

When you invest in a beautifully hand-crafted product like a time-tested Oriental rug, giving it proper care by experienced professionals is essential to getting the most of what these products can offer. Taghavi’s Oriental Rugs in Memphis, TN has been the premier seller and repair shop for high-quality Oriental rugs from all over the world since 1977. We are specialists in this field and carry an inventory of over 5,000 unique Oriental and Persian rugs while offering the proper cleaning and care to ensure they last. Visit us to shop our inventory, discuss a custom Oriental rug creation, or browse other home decorative accessories today.

Rug Repair
Rug Cleaning
Sales Inventory
owners of Taghavi's Rugs

Treated by Hand for the Gentlest Care

As experts in the art of Oriental rug weaving and care, we take a great sense of pride in treating every customer’s rug with the utmost attention and respect. Our goal is to be thorough and offer gentle cleaning and repair, allowing rugs to keep their bright colors and strength for as long as possible. Many rug cleaners opt for harsh chemicals or machines to clean them. However, both of these techniques can be damaging and shorten the life of the rug. We ensure every piece is thoroughly cleaned by hand without the use of destructive machines or cleaners.

Need Us To Pickup & Deliver? No Problem!

Taghavi’s Oriental Rugs offers clients the option to have their Oriental or Persian rugs picked up at their homes. We know that these rugs require unique and specific detail and attention, and we wouldn’t want you damaging the rug trying to get it to us. That’s why the professionals at Taghavi’s Orient Rugs will come to you for the proper pickup and hauling techniques needed for your investment’s safe transit.

We’ve set strict guidelines from the hauling to the cleaning and to delivering your beautiful Oriental or Persian rug back to your home.

Give us a call to schedule your next Oriental or Persian rug cleaning today!

Oriental Rug Sales and Care Since 1977


Local Rug Experts in Memphis, TN

Our founder, Ali A. Taghavi, is a Master Weaver who was taught the art of weaving oriental rugs by hand at the age of 5 by his father and brother. At the young age of 8, he opened his first business as a rug weaver, and his work has become recognized across the world by Oriental rug experts. Today, with his son Hamid, they continue to offer one of the finest selections of Oriental rugs from all over the globe. They travel together to various continents, hand-selecting pieces to bring one of the most original and sought-after inventories of Oriental and antique Persian rugs in the industry to Memphis.

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